Now: Is Mason Jenkins Still In Prison Or Released In Parole? Convicted Murderer Who Killer Her Own Sister

Mason Jenkins, 42 years Canadian convicted for the murder of his sister Jennifer is still serving his life in prison.

According to the police report, she was shot to death by her brother in 1998. Later, in 2001 Jenkins was charged with first-degree murder.

Since then, he has been given a temporary absence twice to attend his grandmother and father’s funeral.

At present, looking at his clinical and actuarial data, the Parole Board of Canada has listed him as a “low to low-moderate” risk for recidivism.

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Is Mason Jenkins Still In Prison Or Released In Parole?

Mason Jenkins is still serving his imprisonment sentence in jail. He was sentenced to prison in 2001 with no parole chance for almost three decades.

However, in 2019 he was granted escorted temporary absence to attend his late father’s ashes interment ceremony. According to the Parole Board of Canada, his request was accepted with a duration of absence of only 30 hours.

Previously, when Jenkins attended his grandmother’s funeral in 2013, he was kept out from the general public.

The board further mentioned that his presence in his father’s death would strengthen family support and become a stepping stone towards reintegration.

Mason Jenkins Sister Murder Case Update

In January 1999, Mason Jenkins killed his 18 years old sister. He shot his sister thrice in the head and twice in her chest. Later, in 2001, Jenkins was sentenced to life in jail and charged with the first-degree murder of his younger sister.

At present, looking at his clinical and actuarial data, the Parole Board of Canada has listed him as a “low to low-moderate” risk for recidivism.

He is granted to serve in the community service volunteer group under close supervision, providing him with the opportunity to build trust and credibility in society.

The board has also stated that they are aware of the horrific murder of a sister causing significant loss to the family and still have lots of work to do to improve his risk factors.

Mason Jenkins Age and Family Revealed

As of now, Mason Jenkins is 42 years old. He was born in 1980 in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. He was the youngest child of Brian Jenkins and Leslie Jenkins.

He also had a younger sister named Jennifer, whom Jenkins shot dead when he was 20 years old. Later, he was found guilty on the court trials and has been in prison since then.

In 2010, Life with Murder was released, showing the killing incident and the family evolving relationship.

The documentary shows how Jenkins’s parents struggle to cope and heal that their son murdered his daughter.
